Friday, Feb 27, 2004

Title: 1140

February 2004


Title: 1140

February 27, 2004
12:01 AM

Top ten reasons why going to bed before 12:00 can sometimes be helpful: 1) I felt good enough to get to work this morning and work on a strip, BEFORE 10 AM. That’s really all I have… not actually 10 reasons, but you get the picture.

I honestly didn’t even expect to do a strip for today at all. Yesterday I had a mental breakdown like I hadn’t had in a while, and it just kept getting worse. Difference is, by the end of the day, I was able to get a little bit of perspective on things, and I’ve calmed down. Note: Calmed down, not let go. I’m still furious at my bank for what they did (or rather, didn’t do), and looking into the appropriate channels to take some sort of action. I tried to go open a new account at a different (far less podunk) bank, only to find out that BECAUSE my account was never flagged as stolen, and BECAUSE the thief then went on to pass 15-20 checks in my name, I’m flagged on ChexSystems, and therefore UNABLE to open a new account pretty much anywhere. How’s that for bitter irony. I hate my bank, and want to leave because of what they did to me, but because of what they did to me, I’m unable to leave. Any lawyers out there willing to do some pro bono work for me? :)

Pretty much, though, I just have to wait for my ChexSystems report to get here so I can go down the line and send the proper documents to all the people on there so they take me off. I’ll probably be sending some of this stuff to ChexSystems, as well. It sucks having to play cleanup because of someone else’s mistake. Oh, and the bank is telling me that they fulfilled their obligation to me by closing the account, because I didn’t suffer any loss. No, you’re right, I didn’t lose a single penny. My money was still safe in a new account. I mean, my credit is RUINED, but hey, at least I still have my money, right? Gee, no loss here. It’s killing me that I can’t just flat out post here that X Bank is crap and should be avoided, but it would probably be best to wait until after all this is said and done. Or not do it at all. I dunno. I just don’t think it’s right that people get the shaft and don’t have any way to seek retribution.

Whatever. Happier things abound, I just need to keep on keeping on. If I think about it too much, I start to slip into melancholy, and that’s never a good thing. I think I’ll channel my energy into something worthwhile, like monday’s comic. :) Thanks for putting up with me, guys. I’ll keep in touch on the mainpage here. Sorry for being away for so long.

Title: 1140

February 27, 2004
12:01 AM

It would seem I done gone went and broke your brains with today’s comic. Don’t try reading too much into it… it was just one of those random crazy ideas that came to me. Go with the flow.