Tuesday, Jul 20, 2021

July 20, 2021

July 2021

Panel 1
Nurse: All right, you’re all checked in, Mrs. Dean, so if you’ll follow me I can lead you up to surgery prep.
Nurse: Oh, um… other...Mrs. Dean? We have a designated waiting area across the street in our food court. The doctor will call you as soon as your wife is done.

Panel 2
Mae: All right sweetie… this is it! Wish me luck!
Liz: Luck nothing - you get back here safe and sound as quick as you can, okay?

Panel 3
Mae: It’s OK, sweetie! This is a routine surgery - should be over and done in less than an hour.
Liz: I just want you to know that I’m really proud of you. I think you’re incredibly brave for doing this.
Mae: Oh, uh… thank you! I…

Panel 4
Liz: Yep, it really takes balls.
Mae: ...get it out of your system?
Liz: I’ll think of more in the waiting room, don’t worry.