Friday, Jun 22, 2012

June 2012



June 22, 2012
2:54 AM

This may well have been one of the worst weeks for getting comics done in recent memory, but even so… tomorrow just ain’t happenin’. Today has just sucked so SO many rocks, and I’ve just decided to take a mulligan. Clearly, today just wasn’t working out, so we’ll see if tomorrow can actually manage to be worth seeing through to completion. Today just ISN’T.

On the bright side, as tomorrow is my birthday, the likelihood of it ending with alcohol is fairly high up there, so it’ll be just that much simpler to pretend today didn’t happen.

Blerg. Gonna rally and see if I can’t pull off another 5-comic week next week to make up for it. Odd that a 5-comic week would be such a strange occurance… but hey, tiny victories.