Friday, Jul 27, 2012

July 2012


Computers, man. Let me tell you.

July 27, 2012
3:03 AM

The short story: Tomorrow’s comic has been eaten by my computer (before I was able to post it) and it will likely be several days before I can get it out… and before I can even do ANY work on my computer. At all. Argh.

Longer version: My computer is set up with a RAID10 array across 4 drives… OSTENSIBLY to keep the data more secure and have things run faster. Except, it would seem, that the controller card that managed this house of cards is something that I skimped on, and IT crapped the bed. And it did so RIGHT after I restarted the computer to speed it up a little bit… and right after I finished the comic. This has rendered my array essentially useless, which is OKAY, really, since it contained my dropbox (backed up online) and a bunch of program files. Except that tomorrow’s comic (both the AI file and the PNG) hadn’t yet finished synchronizing when I restarted, so now they’re locked away on this RAID array.

Gonna try to do some data recovery and see if I can’t pull the files off somehow, but it’s going to be at LEAST a few days before I get to sit down at my computer and work on it, so… yeah. Not super happy at the moment. And Illustrator was installed on that drive too, so I can’t even get any new comics done until I get this resolved.

Cautionary tale, folks – don’t buy budget RAID controllers. It’ll only bite you in the ass.