Howdy folks – I know I’ve been kind of spotty with the comics lately, (I think I average about three a week) and for the most part people seem to get it – I’ve got an 8-month old shaking my life up a little, so it can tend to complicate things from time to time. Today though, I was actually going to have a damned comic up. I had it written in my head, I was getting all ready to do it, and as I put Liz to bed so I could come work on it… an all-too-familiar cry rang out over the baby monitor. Liz has to be up earlier than I do (6:30 most days), so I tend to let her sleep while I attend to Harper.
An hour and a half later, it’s now 2:15 AM and Harper just went down to sleep. My plans for comicking went right out the window, and I have to be up early myself. This is the kind of thing I can’t plan for, folks. When you pop over to the site and a new comic isn’t up, odds are better than average that I’ve had a night similar to this one, and there’s very little I can do to control it. And honestly, not getting 5 solid comics a week out frustrates me to no end.. you have NO idea how much it frustrates me. As Harper gets more and more able to fall asleep and stay asleep on her own (she’s getting there little by little) things will ease up a bit, but my first duty is always gonna be to my daughter. That’s just the way life is. I never plan on stopping the comic, so put those kinds of fears to rest… and I patently refuse to just switch to a M-W-F schedule. I’ve done Real Life the day before it goes live for twelve and a half years now, so I don’t have any plans of changing it. The schedule went through some bumpy times back when I was in culinary school, and I got through it. This is much the same thing. Just bear with me.
In a brief bit of other news, some of you may remember this comic from the dark ages of 2009. It is with that in mind that one of the products released today on ThinkGeek (and one that amazingly ISN’T an April Fool’s gag) is an inflatable captain’s chair. It’s for kids only, sadly – only rated up to 120 pounds. But still… pretty bad-ass. Harper’s gonna need that for her bedroom before too long, methinks. :)