Thursday, Jun 9, 2011

June 2011


I need…to not be awake…

June 9, 2011
2:46 AM

Hey homeskillets. Yeeah, this is gonna be a no-comic day. Our schedule for the past few weeks has been getting the better of us, what with baby classes running until later at night than we’d prefer, mixed with me having to get to work early a good chunk of the time. Tomorrow is no exception – I’ve gotta get up at the crack of dark, and we only just got home from my Dad’s tonight. Much, much later than planned.

Plus, I think the sympathy pains have started. Liz is horribly uncomfortable with pelvic pain that just doesn’t quit, and when she’s unhappy, I’m unhappy. It really does make you feel ridiculous, complaining about being tired and achey to a woman who’s 7 and a half months pregnant. But I’ll be damned if I’ll let that stop me. :)

ANYWAY, yeah. No comic, but hey – there’s other fun stuff to do online, right? Like the youtubes or something? No? Well, damn. I tried.

I need…to not be awake…

June 9, 2011
2:46 AM

I would like it to be known by my husband and anyone else out there that I am *not* 7.5 months pregnant. I am actually 8.5 months pregnant. That may not seem like a big deal to the rest of you, but after carrying a child for this long, it’s a BIG deal to me. hehe.

Also, I don’t want this to come off as needy or begging or anything. That’s not the case at all, it’s just easier to post this than send out a million emails… so don’t hate me for what I’m about to do.

I’ve received several emails/PMs/facebook messages/etc from people who are wondering if we’re registered anywhere. The answer is yes, we’re registered at both Babies R Us and Target. I feel weird about people buying us stuff for the baby, but if you’d really like to purchase something… well we’ll gratefully take it. After all, babies need a lot of stuff. hehe!

You can just look us up by name on both of the sites and you should be able to find our registries.

Sadly, we don’t have a PO Box set up right now, so if you wanted to send the baby something, that might be more difficult. If you REALLY want to send something, go ahead and email one of us and maybe we can send you my work mailing address or something. I dunno.

Like I said, please don’t feel obligated. But obviously there are several of you out there who do want to do something, so I thought I would offer it up. All of you are like a weird, distant family to us, and we’re really happy to share our journey into parenthood with all of you. I like that some of you have come in to share your journeys with us too. It makes us feel closer to all of you!