Hey homeskillets. Yeeah, this is gonna be a no-comic day. Our schedule for the past few weeks has been getting the better of us, what with baby classes running until later at night than we’d prefer, mixed with me having to get to work early a good chunk of the time. Tomorrow is no exception – I’ve gotta get up at the crack of dark, and we only just got home from my Dad’s tonight. Much, much later than planned.
Plus, I think the sympathy pains have started. Liz is horribly uncomfortable with pelvic pain that just doesn’t quit, and when she’s unhappy, I’m unhappy. It really does make you feel ridiculous, complaining about being tired and achey to a woman who’s 7 and a half months pregnant. But I’ll be damned if I’ll let that stop me. :)
ANYWAY, yeah. No comic, but hey – there’s other fun stuff to do online, right? Like the youtubes or something? No? Well, damn. I tried.