Friday, Aug 9, 2013

August 9, 2013

August 2013

Caption: Time for another installment of Greg Dean Overanalyzes Children's Songs.

Greg: “Baa Baa Black Sheep” is probably one of the most troubling songs I’ve come across in a long time. For starters, the person talking to the sheep is clearly a dimwit. A quick glance at the sheep would tell you whether or not it had wool, so the entire premise of the song is faulty.

Greg: But then we have the sheep, who sings like a canary at the slightest interrogation. You were only asked if you had wool, not how much or who it was for. Also, when did a “bag” become a standardized unit of measurement? Are we talking trash bags, or Ziplock bags, here? If you’re gonna overshare, at least give good info.

Greg: My guess is that maybe the sheep was trying to say to the asker “yes, I’ve got wool, but not for you.” The whole song is basically the sheep saying “sold out”. It’s basically a bad “Yelp” review.