Wednesday, Mar 6, 2024

Panel 1
Harper: Hey Daddy - when is dinner gonna be ready? I’m starving.
Mae: When it’s ready. Calm your butthole.

Panel 2
Mae: Hold on a minute… Hey, Liz - come over here real quick and stand back-to-back with Harper. I just noticed something.
Harper: What’s going on?

Panel 3
Mae: Huh… I had kind of suspected, but it looks like she’s just a SMIDGE taller than you!
Liz: Oh my god. It BEGINS.
Harper: Sweet! Now I just need to get taller than you, and I’ll be making all the rules around here!

Panel 4
Mae: I hate to break it to you, but height usually isn’t a factor when it comes to authority.
Harper: That’s not true - there’s plenty of examples in nature!
Mae: Seventh grade biology is making you impossible to argue with.

March 2024

Panel 1
Harper: Hey Daddy - when is dinner gonna be ready? I’m starving.
Mae: When it’s ready. Calm your butthole.

Panel 2
Mae: Hold on a minute… Hey, Liz - come over here real quick and stand back-to-back with Harper. I just noticed something.
Harper: What’s going on?

Panel 3
Mae: Huh… I had kind of suspected, but it looks like she’s just a SMIDGE taller than you!
Liz: Oh my god. It BEGINS.
Harper: Sweet! Now I just need to get taller than you, and I’ll be making all the rules around here!

Panel 4
Mae: I hate to break it to you, but height usually isn’t a factor when it comes to authority.
Harper: That’s not true - there’s plenty of examples in nature!
Mae: Seventh grade biology is making you impossible to argue with.