Monday, Oct 1, 2012

October 2012


Seams Geeky!

October 1, 2012
3:38 AM

Howdy, folks! Today is a pretty big day here at the Dean household, because today is the day Liz is launching her online store, Seams Geeky!

Those of you who follow the comic know that Liz sews her own cloth diapers. She was into the concept well before Harper was even a gleam in our eye… back in May 2010, she started looking into it. She tried sewing a couple of patterns she found online and gave them to my sister, but none of them ever really seemed to fit right, or be easy to use.

After 2 1/2 years of drafting our own patterns, constantly tweaking them here and there, we’ve finally got a cloth diaper that we feel is one of the best available. It’s trimmer than 90% of the other diapers you see on the market, it uses the most absorbent materials we could find, (we tested dozens of different soaker materials) and frankly, we’re just damned proud of it.

Add to that the fact that we came into possession of an embroidery machine for Liz’ birthday, and we put the two together to make geeky diapers for… well, parents like us. The fact is, people our age are having kids now. I see it on facebook all the time, and a lot of people these days are realizing how awesome cloth diapering is. We did our research, and the average kid goes through about 6000 diapers in their first two years of life. If you’re paying for disposables, that’s about $1,700. Meanwhile, a set of about 24 cloth diapers will last you until you child is potty trained, and only costs $600. And let me tell you, having used both over Harper’s life, the cloth diapers are just as easy to use as the disposables – and smell a while helluva lot better. So we took Liz’ diaper pattern (which we have dubbed “The Pocket Protector”) and added a bunch of custom embroidery to make unique, fun diapers that work like a charm. (All the embroidery is designed by yours truly)

We’ve got a lot more planned for Seams Geeky, though – in addition to diapers, we’ll be doing iron-on patches, pillowcases, throw pillows… all kinds of crazy cloth stuff. So be sure to head over to the Seams Geeky Etsy store, and while you’re at it, check out the facebook page and give it a “like” to get updates when new products come in stock!