Friday, Oct 21, 2011

October 2011


Okay, THIS one you can blame on Harper…

October 21, 2011
2:58 AM

Before I get too much into this, this is not a “no comic day” post as much as it is a “comic coming TOMORROW” kind of post. So yeah.

Anyway, doing the comic for me is kind of just a process – I have a rough idea of where I want to go, and I sit down and just kind of have my characters talk a bit until I get the dialogue where I feel it’s good, and I tweak it a bit here and there to punch it up. It’s a process.

Tonight, on the other hand, the dialogue came to me early in the day, and I thought “Man, I’m really happy with that! For once, the comic’s not going to suck!” And then, we do our best to put Harper down early tonight since she didn’t nap all day and kept falling asleep randomly in our arms, so I was like “Awesome, I get to do the comic early and spend more time on it than usual!”.

And then, Harper decides sleep is completely overrated, and just starts doing that little half-whine kids tend to do. See, she’s not much of a CRIER, but when she’s upset for whatever reason she just WHINES constantly. In some ways, it’s ALMOST more annoying, because it feels like she’s always just on the VERGE of crying, but never quite gets there.

So, here it is now at midnight, and we’re crossing our fingers that she stays asleep THIS time, but who the hell knows. And I’d just burn the midnight oil and get it done for tomorrow, but I’ve gotta be up bright and early to teach a class tomorrow, so I can’t really skip out on sleep to do this thing.

SO, I’m going to work on this comic tomorrow. And upload it for Saturday, because I feel like it’s a perfect endcap to the week, and I don’t want to just push it out to monday, especially after I already missed a strip this week. But yeah, unlike usual – this one IS Harper’s fault. :P