Howdy folks! A lot to get to, and not much time to do it in, so I’ma just plow on in!
First off, as you probably gathered from the end of the last post, the Son of Flynn shirts are officially back in stock! You can head on over to SplitReason to pick them up, and thankfully, they have a lot more of them in stock this time around! Getting them to glow blue was a long process, and involved a lot of trial and error and issues with the glow-ink provider, but we persevered and managed to make it happen, so now you can pick one up! If you’re going to be a WebComicsCon this coming weekend, you can get one from me in person for a few bucks less – otherwise, SplitReason is the place to go! (And yes, that previous picture was indeed a photo of the shirt, not a mock-up. The camera exposure is only a TAD higher than the eye would see, but you get the point – it glows BRIGHT.)
Okay, so the other bit of business is your old buddy Greg trying to find ways of making ends meet, to some degree or another. We’ve been invited to the con this coming weekend, but even though the plane and hotel are more or less covered, there are other costs involved with travel (Parking at the airport, checked bag fees, and whatever else the airlines hit us for) that are looking me square in the face and telling me “you can’t afford me.” It’s been a rough week for me, and we’re still waiting on the last of our maternity money to come in, so I need to find ways of filling in that gap.
Accordingly, I’m putting something up on Ebay today that is kind of special – the White Mage Scarf!
This is the same scarf seen in May 25th’s comic, and was actually something I finished way back in 2009. It was incredibly warm, and saw only a few uses before I realized that central California just does NOT get cold enough to warrant wearing a scarf like this. Ever. So rather than have it sit unused on my shelf, I figured I could offer it up to someone more inclined towards its use than myself. I’m putting this up as a 3-day auction instead of the usual 5-day auction, mostly because I need the fundage in order to make the trip feasible. And once the auction’s over, it’ll ship out on Thursday via Priority Mail, which means you;d have it by Monday at the latest. You know I hate having to beg or ask for anything if I can help it, but this way someone can get a pretty nifty scarf to show for it, you know? Thanks again folks – and there’s a few more pictures over on the auction. Take care!