Thursday, Apr 14, 2011

April 2011



April 14, 2011
1:57 PM

So, I went to all the trouble of making a comic last night, and apparently completely forgot to UPLOAD that comic. Lordy. (Which is weird though, ’cause I pretty clearly remember doing it… I dunno. :/

Anyhow, I’m gonna get it up soon as I get home tonight, as well as moving my “completed comics” folder into my dropbox, so if this ever happens AGAIN, I can just upload it from work. Sorry about that!

In other news – WE’RE GOING TO BE AT A CONVENTION THIS YEAR! (Pause for you to regain your composure after your shock and awe.)

I know it’s been a long while since Liz and I have been at any conventions, and that probably has to do with the fact that ComicCon kind of destroyed our souls the last time we went. (And just a quick aside… we’re PROBABLY not going to be going to SDCC any more, or at least for the forseeable future. It’s just not feasible anymore.)

HOWEVER… we were recently asked to be guests at a new convention out in Connecticut called WebcomicsCon, and it’s shaping up to be a pretty fun time! You have plenty of time to make plans too, ’cause this is going be October 1-2 this year. So mark your calendar, get your preregistration in now, and get set for an awesome time out in Norwalk, CT!

More details and discussion to come – just wanted to get the news out there early so everyone had a chance to plan and whatnot.