Wednesday, Jul 23, 2008

Title: 2039

July 2008


Title: 2039

July 23, 2008
12:01 AM

Hidey-ho there, Lifers! I’m currently in Los Angeles, and will be finishing the trip down to San Diego tomorrow for *gasp* Comic Con International 2008! (fanatical applause)

This is my first time back to that hallowed overcrowded convention center in over three years, and I’m making sure the comeback is a strong one. I’ve got more awesome merchandise this year than I’ve EVER had before, and I’ll be sharing a booth with three of the other Blank Label Comics cartoonists – Steve Troop, Howard Tayler, and David Willis… and Liz will be there, too! (You’ll know how to find us – besides knowing that the booth number is 1300, just look for the amazingly overpowering aura of orange – that’d be us. :) We OWN orange.)

I may, internet connection notwithstanding, MAY be able to set up a live BLC Booth webcam, to boot. Not sure if I’ve got everything I need for it, but I think we can manage. I’ll post it here if we get that up and running.

Regardless! If you are already registered to go (since they closed registration ENTIRELY) come see us at booth 1300. We don’t bite! Actually, I think Willis HAS been known to bite… but I guess if you’re into that kind of thing, then you’re golden. :)