Monday, Mar 26, 2007

Title: 1832

March 2007


Title: 1832

March 26, 2007
12:01 AM

I’m BAAA-aack!

GOD it feels good to be back doing the comic. The break was just what I needed – and it’s helped me re-discover just why it is I enjoy doing this, again. It’s been nearly a year and a half since I’ve had this much time to devote to the comic – it’s kind of daunting, really. But I realized how it’s affected me – I’ve been less inclined to tackle comics that might require more drawing than I would have been before… so a lot of the comics recently have looked… well, pretty much the same. Well, that’s about to change. Today’s comic is the start of probably a 2-week storyline I thought up while watching the show in question – it’s not a “tony holds the world in a death grip” type of story… it’s mostly just me reminiscing about the good old days. And had I not had this much time to devote to the comic, I might have been disinclined from doing it at all.

Before I move on – you really should check out “The IT Crowd” one way or the other – it’s hilarious. I shudder to think what’s going to happen if the American version gets off the ground. At least they cast the same guy to be Moss.

Anyway, I’m pretty much a full-time cartoonist for the next week, really – after that, I start my Dave’s Gourmet job… which is really only one or two days a week at first, so it’s not like that’s going to change much, really. I’ve already readjusted my sleep schedule, too. Now that I’m waking up at 10, I learned something crazy – you can actually patronize establishments during business hours! I had NO IDEA this was possible. For the past three months, the only free time I’ve had was between the hours of midnight and 5 AM. The only places I knew of that I could go to were Jack in the Box and Denny’s. Oh, and 7-Eleven. But now, I can be all like “Hey, we need an ironing board. Let’s go to Target! We can totally shop there!”

You have no idea how much the simple act of going to a store and shopping can make me feel human again.

Oh – quick linkage, because I keep forgetting… JR Cook sent me this link to his Wii Weight Loss Plan, and I keep meaning to post it here, but repeatedly forget. Well no more! Visit his site and see his progress – so far, it seems to be working. That’s definitely a good thing. :)