Friday, Sep 5, 2003

Title: 1016

September 2003


Title: 1016

September 5, 2003
12:01 AM

Okay, gotta head off another flood of e-mails, because i’ve already recieved a whole crapload. You all seem to think that there are, in fact, two boxes of pepsi on that shelf. Now, perhaps if I had a lessened degree of attention to small details, I might have made a goof like that, but as it is, i’m very anal retentive when I want to be. And since I had to draw that box anew, i’m not about to mess it up. In summary, I’m not really stupid, I just play one on tv. Take a moment, if you will, to analyze the box in question with me, won’t you?

Notice how the left side of the box is not only smaller, but the text on that side is squished. This occurs when an object’s face is slanted away from the viewer, and I used it to create the effect of that. This smooshyness is visible in the comic above. Perhaps some other, less detail-oriented cartoonists would have put two boxes side-by side and squished one to make it fit, but not I. No, my smooshyness is entirely intentional. :)

Apologies if this rant seems hostile in any way. I have been on the phone with SBC for the past 20 minutes, navigating an automated menu the likes of which the world has never seen. I want to speak to a human, even if they’re not helpful.