Friday, Jul 10, 2020

July 10, 2020

July 2020

Panel 1
Greg: OK, before we go any further, I can't just call you "id", and I don't think you're down with being called "Greg"... so....?
Id: I'm pretty sure you know my name already. We use it all the time.

Panel 2
Greg: Holy shit... you're Maelyn! I've been naming my game characters after you since we were 18!
Mae: Bingo. You can just call me "Mae", though.

Panel 3
Greg: Wow. I can't believe all this time, you were just... HERE. Inside my brain.
Mae: Our brain. And yeah, I was grateful to finally have a name to go by. Remember when we first came up with it and started using it in IRC to find out how people would treat us differently if we were female?

Panel 4
Greg: Oh yeah, that's right! Wow, I pushed that memory WAY the heck down. How did you manage to get that one past the ol' warden?
Mae: We were hopped up on hormones from puberty and given access to the anonymity of the early internet. I'd be shocked if he remembered anything about the late '90s, to be honest.
Greg: Would that we were all so lucky.