Monday, May 30, 2005

Title: 1456

May 2005


Title: 1456

May 30, 2005
12:01 AM

I don’t want to go into my hatred of the telecommunications companies I’m forced to deal with in my area right at this moment (SBC and AT&T are my only choices), because that would be nothing more than me spouting bile and hatred, and that just don’t make for good ranting. :)

I just wanted to say that currently, we are on target to have DSL in the new apartment either on or before June 9th. (ugh) So, as of June 9th, the comic will start updating on time again. :)

I need to spend a few mintes if I get them today so I can manage to pull ahead again – because of the whole thing with moving sunday and monday, I’m actually operating BEHIND schedule by a day. Hopefully I can get another comic done today and be back ahead where I should be. It doesn’t help that I feel like I’m operating on the creative equivalent of a low battery right now – but I think I can pull out of it and start making with the funny again. It’s not the first time I’ve felt in a creative funk, and it’s certainly not the last. :)

If I get some spare time today, I’m also going to try to write up my list of things I want to see in an MMORPG for me to actually be interested. I’ve been mulling it over for a while, and hopfeully I can write it and have it float it’s way to someone who matters. :D

Title: 1456

May 30, 2005
12:01 AM

We be moved. However, I didn’t get a chance to make a comic yesterday, so I made it and uploaded it the first chance I got today – at 8:30 pm. Ugh. At least I’m still covered under the daily grind rules. Tomorrow’s comic will be late as well, and then the day after should be closer to 8 in the morning. Gotta go now – more to do. :/