Tuesday, Oct 14, 2003

Title: 1043

October 2003


Title: 1043

October 14, 2003
12:01 AM

This was the post that I was trying to type out the other day, but I am retarded and closed the friggin’ window! I’ll try not to do that this time. I figured that since I get asked alot of questions that I would answer some of them on the front page. So here we go:

Q: Do you really know Greg Dean? (Yes, I have been asked this one.)
A: Yes.

Q: Which do you like to be called; LizzE, Lizzie, LizzE, LizzEGirlE, Elizabeth, or Liz?
A: Although my parents prefer me to be called Elizabeth, I prefer being called Liz. The only reason why I accepted Lizzie in the comic, was because there was already another Liz. (Its just my luck to fall in love with the guy right after he broke up with the only other girl he has dated named Liz. ^_^) But after reflecting on the fact that “Lizzie” sounded so childish and ugly, I decided to bug Greg to change my name. (I don’t want to be “Grandma Lizzie”. It sounds so weird to me.) The other nicknames are just what people call me. But if you choose to call me by name, please call me by “Liz” or “hey you!”.

Q: Can you get Greg to [blank] for me?
A: No. The only thing thats terrible about dating Greg is that I have kinda lost my identity. People don’t talk to me much unless they want me to get Greg to do something for them. Or they want me to tell Greg something.( Note: Not ALL people do this, but quite a few do.) Well at first I was willing to help people, but after awhile you start to feel used. I love chatting with all of you! Thats why I have replied to everyone who has sent me an e-mail. But PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t use me to get ahold of Greg. *sweat drop*

Q: How did you and Greg meet?
A: This is a cute story. Ok well a friend (thanks Zach!) of mine was getting me to be the artist for a webcomic we were starting. I wasn’t really into webcomics at the time so he sent me this selector to see which comic personality I best matched up with. Well after finishing the quiz, I had Greg Dean from Real Life Comics as my top match. I clicked the link and found myself at this index page. I read the comic for that day (Greg eating Dave’s brains) and thought it was great. Probably like most of you, I speeded through the archives in a few nights. After I was finished I realized that I was in love with this “Greg Dean”. I even went so far as to tell my friends that this was the guy that I was going to date. They laughed at me and told me I was crazy. I didn’t persue anything. I had some friends tell me to e-mail him. I had thought about it, but what was I going to say? “Hello, I love your comic. I just wanted to let you know that I’m in love with you.” Nah. That just seems too stalker-like. Well a few weeks past and it ended up being Valentine’s Day. I went out with a single friend of mine. (Since I had recently separated from my boyfriend. When I came back I decided to check out the RL forums. (This is from the person who never had anything to post in any forum EVER.) I saw a thread called, “Greg is cute”. Well I got a little jealous and decided to check it out. I posted some random thing, that evidentally sparked some interest in Greg, because he decided to reply back to it. Well by the end of the evening, the thread had practically become an instant messanger service. The thread continued to the next evening, and the next. A few days later I recieve an IM from a weird AIM address. The person on the other end told me that he was Greg Dean. Of course I didn’t believe him. So he decided to change something on the front page to make himself known. Well to make a long story short, we started chatting every evening in AIM, and then on the telephone until we decided to meet. We had a wonderful first date. It was almost love at first sight. I knew I wanted to be with him, and he knew he adored me. He was so smitten with me that a few days later he posted in his “Today’s Thing” box that he was in love. We have been together ever since.^_^

Q: Are you Crystal?
A: No.

Ok, well thats probably enough for now. Gotta save some for later!