Friday, May 9, 2014

May 2014


Not dead – just in case you were wondering. :P

May 9, 2014
12:02 AM

Hi Guys! So, normally around here, a missed day here or there wouldn’t be cause for alarm or anything, but I got ONE comic done this week, which is pretty miserable. And while that kind of thing kills me, the fact is I know there’s no avoiding it. Your boy’s been sick the past few days, and the bummer about being sick when you’re a stay-at-home parent who also happens to WORK from home is that it’s not as though I can just take a sick day and call it good. So while NORMALLY I can burn the midnight oil like a boss and knock out a strip, I just fell asleep in my chair while trying to think of something, and being vertical is only serving to give me a headache.

I did get one worried e-mail a week or so ago (well, maybe not WORRIED, but still) just making sure I wasn’t going to quit the comic, and while I may have the most sporadic update schedule known to man lately, you can rest assured with one thing: I NEVER plan to call it quits on this bad boy. It’s like anything else in life – sometimes things get nuts and get in the way, and you have to do what you can to keep your head above water. But even if I miss more than my fair share, I’ll always come back for more – and maybe there will even come a time when I’m able to arrange my day such that I can start getting them done earlier – but it’s sure not in the cards just now.

Anyway, my head’s starting to hurt a bit again, so I’m gonna go lie down and attempt to continue not being dead. Wish me luck!