Friday, Feb 21, 2014

February 2014


Just a little check-in

February 21, 2014
12:39 AM

Hi Guys! Now, I know many of you say “explanations of why a comic didn’t go up aren’t necessary… just do what you can do”, but when you’ve missed as many as I have lately, I think a LITTLE bit of explanation is in order.

The short version: My day job is poking into my fun job just a little bit… but that should change shortly. The long version…. well, as I MAY have mentioned in the past, I actually work from home, but I do the same stuff I used to do when I went to work in the office: I do a combination of web design and LEED (it’s a green building certification) training and consulting. I know, seems like a weird combo… I started off just doing the web design, and learning (then teaching) LEED grew out of necessity. I have almost ZERO background in this kind of stuff, but since 2009, I’ve been dealing with it on a daily basis, so I’m actually pretty well versed in it. So well versed, in fact, that I’ve started branching out even FURTHER – Tomorrow, I go in to take an all-day QSD (Qualified SWPPP Developer) class so I can develop Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans for construction sites. I KNOW, SUPER FASCINATING, RIGHT?

And then, as if that’s not enough, next week I’m actually flying out to Guatemala for a few days to teach a course on the LEED Green Associate accreditation. It’s a pretty neat opportunity, since I’ve actually never been ANYWHERE south of the border before, (Only ever been to Canada, England and France) so it should be a neat experience. And I know the material like the back of my hand, so that’s pretty neat. Don’t know a word of Spanish, but apparently everyone involved speaks English, so WHEW.

Long story short… I’ve had to kind of run myself ragged this week, and next week isn’t looking TOO much different. Basically, if I can get some comics done, AWESOME. I’m going to TRY and see how things roll this weekend, because maybe I can knock a few out and get them in the hopper so I don’t have an ENTIRE WEEK of no comics next week. But thankfully, after next week goes by, my work routine will settle back into its usual rhythm, and I can more reliably crank out a comic each night. And really, I’d love to do one TONIGHT, but it’s 12:34 in the morning, and I need to be up by 5:30 to get to the class on time. I just can’t move that mountain, folks.

There is something I want to make VERY clear, though: While I may miss more comics than my share, lately (the one downside of a toddler is that some nights I’m just SUPER wiped), don’t be fooled into thinking I’ve somehow lost interest in the comic, or plan to quit. Because let me tell you this: That ain’t NEVER happenin’. I have plans to do Real Life up until the day I drop dead (which is seeming more and more likely, these days!) or until humanity uploads itself into the singularity and we no longer have the need for such mundane pursuits. Life may sometimes get in the way of Real Life… but the latter will always be here. ‘Night, folks!