Tuesday, Jan 3, 2012

January 2012


On memes and such

January 3, 2012
4:11 PM

So, unless you’re very old (sorry, Mom!) or don’t traverse the goofier sections of the internet, you’ll know that the last panel of today’s comic is a reference to the “X all of the Y” meme. I really only used it because it’s something that was said in the house. Such is the nature of memes.

ALSO part of the nature of a meme is that it tends to get away and separated from its origins. Lots of memes can’t even be tracked down to who originally created them, and they just take on a life of their own. I never really knew where this particular meme came from, until today when I referenced it, and someone mentioned to me in e-mail that, yes, the original creator does indeed exist.

One thing that sucks more than anything is reference without attribution. Accordingly, you can visit Hyperbole and a Half bY Allie to see more by her. Before today, I didn’t know this site existed, but it looks pretty funny, and I would hope you go check it out. A meme’s a meme, but at the very least, the originator of said meme should reap some benefits from it going viral.