Friday, Mar 4, 2011

March 2011


Sorry guys, had to be a husband tonight

March 4, 2011
4:05 AM

Hey everyone… sorry for the lack of an on-time comic today. Liz was having an off evening because of some bad news she got (no, nothing to do with baby stuff) and she’s been feeling sick, so she asked me to spend some time with her this evening. The comic is important, obviously… but being there for Liz kinda trumps it, yanno?

That said, I had the final comic to this week all sort of planned, so I’m gonna try and get it done tomorrow if I can. So it may just be delayed, is all. Keep your fingers crossed!

Sorry guys, had to be a husband tonight

March 4, 2011
4:05 AM

Hey folks! Check out the newest shirt available over at SplitReason! See, in case you hadn’t noticed, I’m a pretty damn big Tron fan, and I freaking LOVED the new movie. I saw the “My other ride is a light cycle” shirts over at threadless, and they were cool and all, but nobody had any shirts with the NEW program suits from the new movie! So what’d I do? I made it my own damn self.

“Son of Flynn” is a HUGE print (Seriously – they had to get new equipment to print this shirt, apparently) on an awesome black T-shirt, and it even has the stripes running off the edge of the sleeves! I spent hours and hours obsessing over every little detail of this bad boy to make sure it looked perfect, so I’m pretty damn proud of it. Head on over to SplitReason and check it out! (And don’t forget to browser around the rest of SplitReason while you’re at it! There’s a ton of other cool geeky shirts there, not to mention on the Real Life side of things!)