Wednesday, Feb 16, 2011

February 2011


Today’s comic was eaten by allergies.

February 16, 2011
11:42 AM

Howdy folks!

Believe it or not, I really DO hate the days when I’m unable to get a comic out for whatever reason, but those of you who have been coming around here for a while know that I used to suffer from some pretty legendary allergy attacks. The thing is, I haven’t had one for YEARS – since sometime in 2008, after leaving Texas. I had thought maybe Texas toughened me up, and the puny California allergens were simply no match for my highly honed immune system.

Boy HOWDY was I wrong.

Yesterday, out of nowhere, I was struck with one of the strongest allergy attacks I’ve had in a long, long time. And the thing is, once an attack hits, Zyrtec, Claritin, or any of those other “allergy pills” doesn’t do jack squat. Had to bust out the big guns – Tylenol Severe Allergy. This stuff does the trick, but it also alters your reality in some pretty significant ways. :) I mean, I’ll take the drugged-up feeling over sinus pain any day, but it makes me more or less completely unable to function. Sitting at a computer doing a comic at that point is pretty much a fantasy, and I didn’t even have the energy to sit up and type this out last night. I really do apologize for that. I’m a little better this morning after a night’s sleep, but I can feel the tendrils of yesterday’s battle worming their way into my brain already, so I’m taking every precaution to prevent a repeat performance. Come hell or high water, there WILL be a comic tomorrow, dammit. I can’t promise it will be coherent, since the TSA (Short for Tylenol Severe Allergy, however it ALSO makes me take off my pants, so we’ll go with it) controls my every move… but a comic there shall be.

Thanks for your patience, guys! Have a great Wednesday!